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Custom Keto Diet

By Weight Loss., Fitness., Wellness., Diet.

The ketogenic (keto) diet is a low-carbohydrate, high-fat dietary regimen that pushes the body into a state called “ketosis.” In ketosis, rather than using glucose from carbohydrates as a primary energy source, the body shifts to burning stored fats, producing ketones as a byproduct. This metabolic state mimics the body’s response to fasting or caloric deprivation.

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The Importance of Squats

By Training., Fitness., Wellness.

Squats are a cornerstone exercise in many workout routines, revered for their comprehensive benefits to strength, flexibility and overall fitness. Incorporating squats into your exercise regimen can lead to significant improvements in lower body strength, core stability and even cardiovascular health.

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Start-Stop New Fitness Goals

By Training., Weight Loss., Fitness., Wellness., Diet.

Around the beginning of the year, people tend to seriously consider adapting better habits regarding health and fitness.  Although this is a commendable decision, it’s not uncommon for many to find themselves veering off the path. By understanding why we discontinue our workout and health routines, maybe a strategy can be created to help maintain these beneficial habits.  Here are a few common reasons and possible solutions.

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Stay in Shape

By Fitness., Weight Loss., Wellness., Diet.

We all enjoy the convenience of technology and most experience the sedentary lifestyles that have become commonplace. As we age, the resilience and speedy metabolism of youth wanes and we find ourselves in a fitness battle that could have been avoided.  The habits that we establish during our formative years play a pivotal role in determining our physical shape and overall health in the decades to follow.

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