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Here are 25 quotes from authors, celebrities and athletes about fitness, including a mix of uplifting, inspiring, unique, interesting and thoughtful perspectives.

01: -Vidal Sassoon

02: Ronda Rousey

03: Dwayne Johnson

04: Tommy Lasorda

05: Jillian Micheals

06: Jim Ryun

07: Jerry Rice

08: Billie Jean King

09: Sean Patrick Flanery

10: Bruce Lee

11: Bonnie Pfiester

12: Muhammad Ali

13: Jack Lalanne

14: Mahatma Gandhi

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Active Breaks: Short breaks can prevent muscle stiffness, increase circulation, and help mental clarity during work hours.

15: Art Williams

16: Maya Angelou

17: Fred Devito

18: Lance Armstrong

19: Dr. Kenneth H. Cooper

20: Greg Plitt

21: Ray Lewis

22: Napoleon Hill

23: Vince Lombardi

24: Usain Bolt

25: Arthur C. Clarke

Inspirational quotes and phrases can serve as powerful reminders of core values, goals and beliefs, offering a quick mental reset during challenging times. Motivational quotes can ignite motivation, encourage perseverance and foster a positive mindset, ultimately driving us to take action and strive for improvement. Keep moving forward and improving.

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