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Let’s face it: we seem to be wired to seek pleasure and avoid pain—even if that short-term pleasure sometimes leads to long-term harm? From ancient habits to modern indulgences, some behaviors just stick around despite the warnings. We are after all, pleasure-seeking experts.


Smokers claim It feels relaxing and in certain circles, it is still socially accepted and encouraged. Plus, nicotine is highly addictive.
Facts: 12.5% of U.S. adults still smoke, despite decades of anti-smoking campaigns. About 22% globally.
Consequences: Increased risk of lung cancer, heart disease and premature death.  

Drinking Alcohol in Excess

Social lubricant, stress relief or just “celebrating life.”
Facts: About 25% of adults in the U.S. engage in binge drinking monthly.
Consequences: Liver disease, accidents, expensive tickets and possible loss of license.

Unprotected Sex

Passionate moments can sometimes override logical thinking. It certainly feels right at the time.
Facts: 45% of U.S. pregnancies are unplanned, almost half!
Consequences: STIs, unintended pregnancies and life changing decisions to make. 

Surgical Body or Face Enhancements

The desire to look young and beautiful has never been so prevalent.  The allure of cosmetic surgery is real.
Facts: 24% of Americans have considered cosmetic surgery and returning for additional work is common.
Consequences: Surgical risks, high costs, unexpected results and recovery struggles.

Driving Fast

The need for speed is thrilling, stimulation and oh-so-hard to resist.
Facts: 27 percent of drivers admit to speeding regularly in the US. Those that admit it.
Consequences: Accidents, expensive tickets, suspended license and death.


Eating food for comfort can make a day feel better, until it doesn’t.
Facts: 42% of U.S. adults are obese which is a significant cause of type 2 diabetes.
Consequences: Obesity-related illnesses like heart disease.  

Dangerous Activities or Recreations

Thrill seekers enjoy the adrenaline rush and survivor’s bragging rights.
Facts: 33% of adults participate in extreme sports or risky activities annually.
Consequences: Broken bones, injuries and epic stories that start with, “Remember when…”

Eating Processed/Junk Foods

We love the taste, price of the convenience of processed foods.
Facts: Over 60% of American diets consist of processed foods.  Most are lower income households.
Consequences: Increased risk of obesity, cardiovascular diseases and overall health issues.  


The thrill or hope of financial gain and the excitement right before… you lose!
Facts: 1 to 2 percent of adults have a gambling disorder and that number will raise with the popularity of online sports betting.
Consequences: Debt, addiction, mental health issues and broken relationship.

Skipping Sleep

We have so much going on during the day, we justify missing sleep to complete daily tasks.
Facts: About 35% of Americans report sleeping less than 7 hours per night.
Consequences: Impaired cognitive function, mood swings and lower immunity. 

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Active Breaks: Short breaks can prevent muscle stiffness, increase circulation, and help mental clarity during work hours.

Using Phones Before Bed

The next reel will be the last one, then 45 minutes later…
Facts. 90% of adults use screens before bed.
Consequences. Disrupted sleep, morning grogginess and wasted time.  

Not Exercising

Too busy, not a fan of sweating or just too lazy. 
Facts: 23% of adults globally fail to meet recommended physical activity levels.
Consequences: Higher risks of heart disease, diabetes and couch-induced inertia. 


“Hustle culture” and job pressure.
Facts: 77% of workers experience burnout.
Consequences: Stress, exhaustion,  missed vacations and family time. 

Skipping Meals

Busy work and family schedules and/or trying fad diets.
Facts: Nearly 10% of Americans skip breakfast regularly.
Consequences: Mood swings, fatigue and overeating later in the day. 

Driving While Distracted

Texting shouldn’t feel urgent.  And most of us are not that important that we need to answer right away.
Facts: 3,522 fatalities from distracted driving in 2021 in the U.S.
Consequences: Accidents, expensive tickets and higher insurance premiums. 

Not Drinking Enough Water

Coffee counts, right?  No, but we will opt for the not so healthy tasty drink.
Facts: 75% of Americans are chronically dehydrated.
Consequences: Fatigue, muscle cramps, headaches and kidney stones.  

Tanning Without Sunscreen

A nice bronze glow is worth the risk.  Well, that is how we think when we are younger.
Facts: 35% of Americans still don’t use sunscreen regularly even after decades of warnings.
Consequences: Skin cancer and premature wrinkles. 

Over Spending

Credit cards and instant store credit makes it so easy.
Facts: 62% of Americans carry credit card debt.
Consequences: Stress, financial strain, bad credit scores and possible relationship issues. 

Overusing Social Media

FOMO (fear of missing out) and dopamine hits.
Facts: 58% of people globally spend 2+ hours daily on social media.  More hours spent per person in the US.
Consequences: Anxiety, poor self-esteem and wasted time.  

Repeating Harmful Habits After Knowing the Consequences

We are creatures of habit and a bit lazy/spoiled.
Facts: Nearly 50% of New Year’s resolutions fail by February.  I think that number is much higher.
Consequences: Frustration, déjà vu and feeling somewhat stupid for continued dumb behavior.

Other Bad Habits

  • Using Recreational Drugs
  • Eating Too Fast
  • Procrastinating Important Tasks
  • Nail-Biting
  • Using Expired Products
  • Picking Scabs/Skin
  • Ignoring Health Symptoms
  • Not Flossing

If these behaviors feel eerily relatable, don’t worry—you’re not alone! It’s all part of being wonderfully imperfect people.

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